5 mind-blowing technologies we'll see in 2024

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In just nine years, we will be living in the future and will have access to mind-blowing technologies that seem like they're from science fiction movies. These upcoming innovations will not only change our lives, but the world in which we live. So, let's take a look at some of the five mind-blowing technologies that we'll see in 2024 and how they will change everything around us.

1) 3D Printing

Think about how much work goes into building a brand new car. Imagine if you could just download an on-demand version of it instead—one that you can use whenever you feel like driving it. You'd never have to worry about purchasing car insurance again, nor would you ever have to worry about getting your car stolen or paying for repairs and maintenance. 3D printing will make buying any product as easy as hitting print and providing a model of what you want on demand. Not only that, but it also means that all products will be recyclable since they'll no longer be built out of material that is incredibly difficult to reassemble. Don't let its humble beginnings fool you, either. According to some experts, 3D printing will only continue to get more advanced and cheaper as time goes on. By 2024, it is projected that 3D printers will be affordable enough for people to buy and use at home. As a result, you'll be able to print virtually any physical product you could possibly want—limited only by your imagination. It means that if something breaks around your house, instead of buying a replacement part or repairing it yourself, you can just download and print one instead.

2) Artificial Intelligence, AI Detector

Artificial intelligence is already commonplace, but computers are only going to get smarter. Ten years from now, our personal AI assistants will be as common as laptops today and work just as seamlessly with our smartphones, creating a seamless bridge between real life and virtual interactions. Currently, they're integrated into many of today's most useful services (like Siri or Cortana), but by 2024 they could be right there with us every step of the way. They may even get their own bodies! In addition, the big surprise and boom during 2022 was Chat GPT, the most advanced and reliable chat bot ever made.

From Google's experimental self-driving cars to Amazon's new patent on robot avatars, artificial intelligence is primed to transform how we interact with technology in profound ways—and it will change how we navigate life too. How will it impact your daily routine? Only time can tell...but it certainly won't be boring! Google Glass was an early attempt at making computerized glasses, which have been popularized by fictional products like Google Glass in recent years. In many ways, artificial intelligence is already here. It's inside your smartphone, learning from you so it can make better decisions when you use it next. It's Facebook's facial recognition software, catching faces on camera and telling you who that person is. And it's all around us every day — with self-driving cars getting closer to reality by the day!

3) Wearable Devices

These days, pretty much everyone is wearing some sort of wearable device. Whether it's a smartwatch, fitness tracker or a pair of smart glasses; most people are investing in these devices to make their lives easier and more convenient. The next big thing on the horizon will likely be smart clothes. For example, there is already an FDA approved nicotine patch that allows users to administer doses through their skin without having to handle tobacco products at all. Imagine if other substances such as caffeine could be administered in a similar way? It would allow users to get exactly what they need when they need it without any of the negative side effects associated with abuse. It may not sound like a particularly exciting technology but it has enormous potential for good.

4) Fertility Tracking Section: Health Monitoring Chips

The era of at-home health monitoring is finally upon us. The concept has been around for awhile but advances in microchips, computing and mobile technology have made it a realistic possibility. In 5 years' time, doctors will routinely be prescribing their patients with specially designed chips that can be inserted under their skin. These health tracking chips will be able to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and more. All of these data points are fed directly into your smart phone or wearable health monitor so you can keep track of your progress or call 911 if something goes wrong. The app would tell you what to do and when to do it and then get you help if need be as fast as possible.

Many private fertility clinics have been experimenting with skin temperature trackers and other health monitoring chips for years. In 2013, a clinic called the Delafield Institute of Fertility & IVF released a study showing that pregnancy rates among their patients increased by 50% after they began using body temperature tracking devices in their offices. Tracking health signs is nothing new but it's going to become a common practice very soon. Future fertility tracking will be an all-encompassing effort as new chips are developed that can do everything from track stress levels to your sleeping habits to your heart rate.

5) Driverless Cars

Already being tested, driverless cars could completely change how we travel. Imagine a future where people don't drive because they can't—they are either too young or too old to operate a vehicle. That would mean fewer accidents and ultimately save thousands of lives annually. Driverless cars will also create an efficient way to transport goods, meaning less time and money spent on roadways—and more time for individuals and companies to focus on more important matters at hand (like something as simple as enjoying dinner). And who knows? Driverless cars might even be able to make you money by acting as mobile advertisements. With that said, there is still some concern about security risks with autonomous vehicles; hackers could potentially take control of a car and wreak havoc while it's in motion. But that doesn't seem like much of a risk when you consider all of the benefits these vehicles have to offer.


Here's a look at what might be possible in just over 8 years. Is it realistic? Probably not, but as Ray Kurzweil says, Technology doesn't advance one funeral at a time. If you're under 40, you could live to see these changes within your lifetime. The future is coming fast and its hard to know exactly how things will turn out. But if there's one thing that I've learned from working with technology for so long, it's that you can never underestimate how much things will change or overestimate how quickly they will change. The pace of innovation is accelerating and it won't slow down anytime soon. It may seem like science fiction today, but we won't have to wait too long before some of these ideas become reality.